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CTA Arrow A slim rightward arrow indicating a call-to-action Down Arrow A downward arrow Down Cheveron A downward cheveron Left Arrow A leftward arrow Left Cheveron A leftward cheveron Right Arrow A rightward arrow Right Cheveron A rightward cheveron Up Arrow An upward arrow Up Cheveron An upward cheveron Business 3 person silhouette representing a business Canada A maple leaf Shopping Cart A wheeled shopping cart Shopping Cart A wheeled shopping cart Check A check mark Circle A circle Check A check mark inside a circle representing a close action Check A circle with a hollowed out center in a shape of an check mark Close A "x" character inside a circle representing a close action Close A circle with a hollowed out center in a shape of an "x" character representing a close action Circle A hollow circle Minus A minus symbol inside a circle Minus A circle with a hollowed out center in a shape of a minus sign Edit A pen symbol inside a circle Edit A circle with a hollowed out center in a shape of a pen Play A triangular play symbol inside a circle Play A circle with a hollowed out center in a shape of a triangular play symbol Plus A plus symbol inside a circle Plus A circle with a hollowed out center in a shape of a plus sign Question A question mark symbol inside a circle Question A circle with a hollowed out center in a shape of a question mark Close An "x" character representing a close action Close An "x" character representing a close action Facebook Facebook logo Facebook Facebook logo Filter Sliding switches to signify filtering Horseshoe A horseshoe Info A circle with an "i" inside Instagram Instagram logo Instagram Instagram logo Linkedin Linkedin Logo Linkedin Linkedin Logo Pin A pin that indicates a location Measurement A ruler Menu Three parallel horizontal lines Minus A minus sign Edit A pencil Pinterest Pinterest logo Pinterest Pinterest logo Play A triangular play symbol Plus A plus sign Question A question mark Question A question mark symbol Search A magnifying glass SGK Arrow an arrow icon Share Three hollow circles connect by two lines representing a share action Sort Opposing up & down arrows to signify sorting Spotify Spotify logo TikTok TikTok logo Twitter Twitter logo Twitter Twitter logo User Silhouette representing a person User Silhouette representing a person Youtube Youtube logo Youtube Youtube logo